Main Event Parking Lot near downtown Nashville TN is the Friday night family entertainment spot for great food and fun. It’s your place to sample the best food from the Nashville Food Truck scene.

With over 15 Nashville food trucks lined up circling a music entertainment stage, local folks are driving in from around Middle Tennessee to enjoy a relaxing evening with great food at a reasonable cost for Nashville families and tourists visiting Nashville.
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Riffs Food Truck Jam is a weekly, Friday after work event, serving great food with live Nashville local music entertainment. The Riffs Food Truck Jam main purpose is for families to have a safe place to bring the kids, friends, pets and enjoy incredible food, music and meet other people with the same interest. We have cornhole boards, inflatable bounce and balloons for the kids.

Main Event Parking is a secure park like setting with an enclosed 950 space parking lot with restrooms, trash cans and security to insure that you have a safe experience. Bring your blanket, lawn chairs or anything else to enjoy a nice summer Friday evening.

Riffs Food Truck Jam begins Friday at 6:00 pm and runs to 11:00 pm for Nashville family fun and entertainment. Come and enjoy the summer night with all of us at Main Event Parking Lot for the Riffs Food Truck Jam! For more information about Riff’s Food Truck Jam email Randy Bailey at